– AME Aluminium –

Aluminium recycling – economically and ecologically sound
Aluminium can be recycled as often as necessary without any loss of quality. And because the energy consumption for recycled aluminium is only about 5% of that for primary aluminium, recycling makes perfect economic and ecological sense. Recycling is a high priority at Alu Menziken. At least 70% of our production comes from recycled aluminium.
Environmental management – accountability for nature and mankind
Our current activities impact nature and mankind for generations to come. Our mission is to keep the impact of our activities on our environment as low as possible.
For example, we have been following a path to reduce our carbon emissions at our plant in Switzerland for years. 100% of the electricity supply for our site in Austria derives from renewable energy sources. The foundry and extrusion plant in Romania, which only opened its doors in 2019, uses state-of-the-art technology in terms of energy efficiency. We monitor energy consumption very critically and are working on measures to continuously reduce carbon emissions.

Path to reduce carbon emissions for Alu Menziken Extrusion AG Switzerland
Did you know that ...
about 75 per cent of all aluminium ever produced is still in use?
aluminium is also a component of rocket fuel, fireworks and firecrackers?
aluminium is the third most common element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust?
only about 5% of the energy used in primary production is needed to recycle aluminium?
aluminium is also a very good electrical conductor? In power engineering in particular, aluminium is one of the most important conductor materials along with copper.
aluminium is only about half as heavy as steel despite having the same strength?
Source: http://www.aluinfo.de; https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium